Alien Poems

Aliens are a fantastic topic to write poems about because it’s an opportunity to go wild with our imaginations with no limits. Better still, as the writing does not need to be fact based, it is so much easier to find rhyming words that fit, and words of the right syllable length for a rhythm because, if a word doesn’t fit properly it can be edited and changed to something different with less restrictions. I find that this makes alien poems a great way to practice rhyme and rhythm with, but they are also fabulous for writing list poems, shape poems, questioning poems, story poems, alphabet poems etc. In short I LOVE ALIEN POEMS! I do have a good selection of them to add to the site, but I shall try to do so gradually to build up this category for to enjoy, and hopefully, to inspire you to write your own too.

green alien

Aliens: Look Who’s Green!


The refrain of this rhyming, alien story poem is a great example of assonance.  the poem, as a whole is a story poem but the refrain is written in the style of a list poem.


Last night I saw a UFO descending from the sky.
It landed in my garden, but I’d no idea why.
The spaceship doors were opened wide, and to my great surprise
A stream of aliens came out before my very eyes. [click to continue…]