A Prayer Against Depression

by angela on June 9, 2015

A prayer against depressionChristian Poetry

A Christian encouragement poem relating to the battle against depression and the feelings it creates.                  

psalm 139 verse 14

Why is it, when I’m in a crowd, I still feel so alone?
How come I’m labelled ‘popular’, and yet feel so unknown?


And all this isolation, why is no-one aware?
Why do I feel invisible?  Does anybody care?


I feel so insignificant; why am I never heard?
Why, when I speak, does no-one seem to hear a single word?


I, strangely, know the answers.  They’re all clear in my head….
Yet, how I wish I could convince my hurting heart instead!

I know that these are all untruths; they are the devil’s lies.
I know I need a moment looking through The Father’s eyes.

A moment:  Just a fleeting glance of what the Father sees:
Lord, help me to receive and know the love around me. PLEASE!

Transform my life, my outlook; heal my eyes, like you did Saul.
Lord, send someone to notice me, like Barnabas to Paul.

Please help me focus differently; cast out the devil’s pain,
And, in the name of Jesus, help me overcome again.

Now, guard me through the precious blood that Jesus shed for me
And show me all the wondrous truths you’d like for me to see.

“My soul finds rest in you alone, salvation comes from you.
You are my rock, my fortress” as I quote Psalm sixty two.

Lord, help me put my armour on (Ephesians, chapter six)
So I can firmly stand and beat the devil at his tricks.

So finally, I speak aloud,


So now,




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