Winter – The Masterful King

by angela on June 10, 2015

Winter season poemSeason Poems


This illustrated season poem, from my “Picturing The Seasons” collection, is a lovely example of personification and imagery and includes masses of metaphors and alliteration.


Winter is here! The Masterful King
Sits high on his icy white throne
Watching his personal artist create
A work of art all of his own.

Welcome Jack Frost.  It’s lovely to see
Such artistry of the highest degree.

 The King breathes a misty cold sigh of self pride
At all that his kingdom bestows,
Then sprinkles pure magic on cotton wool clouds
And watches with joy as it snows.

Welcome young snowflake, dancing with bliss,
Casting a beautiful spell with your kiss.

The evergreen proudly projects his physique,
Determined to nobly remain,
Whilst all common cousins shamelessly flaunt
Their natural, naked frame.

Decorum, my darlings! You’ve no etiquette!
You’re really too brazen with your silhouette.

Meanwhile the authority of the great King
Keeps mischievous weeds at bay.
The shivering bulbs send snowdrops ahead
To check if it’s time yet to play.

Good morning young snowdrop, spring’s telescope:
Make way for the beautiful Princess of Hope.


From the “Picturing the Seasons” Collection by Angela Yardy

This is one of a series of 5 seasons poems (one is a summary of the year) which has fantastic educational potential when studying figurative language, as each one is an example of imagery, alliteration, personification and metaphor poetry and each is illustrated to show exactly the image that I had in mind when I personified each season.

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