Healthy Food

by angela on January 28, 2012

Food The humour in this silly healthy food poem is in the use of lots of word play and hyperbole (exaggeration for effect), with the occasional metaphor, and a tiny amount of alliteration.

Lovely, hearty, healthy food;
We adults just can’t beat it,
And yet, you children simply cannot
Bring yourselves to eat it.

My daughter has an allergy
To greens: without restraint
They bring her out in quite a nasty
Bout of raw complaint.

And if we choose to eat in style
With that dear son of mine,
The final course, served up with cheese,
Will make him whine and dine.

So restaurants are out of bounds
We simply dare not try it,
For when we say that greens are nice
The children do not buy it!

But, to be fair, I think I ought
To take some of the blame
For in my heart I have to say
I really feel the same!

If you would like to know more about the figurative language techniques that I have mentioned, look at the TEACHERS’ PAGE, FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE INTRO, WORD PLAY, or HYPERBOLE, SIMILES AND METAPHORS, or ALLITERATION.  Each page will provide a full explanation, and give some fun ways to get started practising using it.

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