Little Boy Blue and Friends

by angela on June 18, 2012


This creative alternative nursery rhyme definitely rates among my ‘unpleasant, childish’ silly poems and uses a list format to go through the colours. It has elements of alliteration throughout and uses hyperbole as humour.


Little Boy Green, go blow your nose;
It’s constantly dripping all over your toes.
But where is the boy who should clean up your shoes?
He’s covered in dirty, disgusting ooze!


Little Boy Yellow, go squeeze that spot.
It’s grown from a pimple; a tiny wee dot.
But where is your chin, since the pimple appeared?
You look like the dread pirate Yellowy Beard!


Little Boy Brown, go run;  Run away!
You’ve shown yourself up in a foul-smelling way.
But, where are your trousers, change them: please do!
And next time, be quicker to get to the loo!


Little Boy Blue, you’re feeling sad.
You can’t find your friends, but the news isn’t bad.
I’ve found them all hiding out in a big heap:
They’re under the haystack, fast asleep!


Sorry about this one, I couldn’t resist!  Why not try writing your own alternative nursery rhyme and keeping the same rhyme and rhythm pattern.  Click here for some help on how to write ALTERNATIVE NURSERY RHYMES, or click here to see a whole collection of mine.

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