Little Miss Muffet (Alternative)

by angela on June 19, 2012


This silly alternative nursery rhyme is a very basic adaptation of the original showing how a very simple alteration can make a big difference to the overall poem, whether it be to the emotion of a poem,  the humour, the story, or the outcome.  Making tiny adaptations like this help the beginner poet to get a feel for rhyme and rhythm.

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey
There came a big spider
Who sat down beside her
And said “What a beautiful day!”

The last line of this nursery rhyme is very easy to change because there are many rhyming words to choose from eg, play, say,  bouquet, hay, sleigh, clay, ballet, convey,astray, away, way etc.  Each word has lots of various alternative uses, ie my example could be changed to:.

And said “What a terrible day!”


Have a go yourself, and as you get more adventurous you can make bigger changes and get sillier!  My page on ALTERNATIVE NURSERY RHYMES will show you how, or click here if you’d like to see more examples of my alternative nursery rhymes.

I have included several others in my book called “The Good, the Mad and the Ugly:A Collection of Angela’s Poems” RRP £5.99, including a variation on this one called “Greedy Miss Muffet”

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