Ministry of Defence Calling!

by angela on January 28, 2012

crash-landing.png VROOP VROOP! Red alert!
Aliens have landed.
Their spaceship is on fire….
It looks like they are stranded.

One’s getting out. It’s looking round.
I cannot see its face.
It’s bouncing gently, and moving
With elegance and grace.

It seems, for all those sceptics
The news could not be worse;
We now have proof we’re not alone
In the universe.

Seemingly the myths are false.
The creature is not green;
It’s silver, and the strangest shape
That I have ever seen.

Incredible to think that it
Appeared from outer space,
And yet its mission seems to be
To put a flag in place?!

It’s gone back to its spaceship
It’s maybe gone to get
A weapon? Sir, I’m watching!
No sign of danger yet.

LOOK OUT! Their ships exploding
The base has set on fire.
Correction. Controlled launching.
The rocket’s rising higher!

It seems they are returning
To the planet of their birth.
Leaving moonlings with no doubt
There’s life up there on earth!



This alien poem is deliberately misleading the reader into assuming that the Ministry of Defence that’s being referred to is on Earth. The twist at the end reveals that the poem is actually about man’s first landing on the moon: in other words, the astronaut is actually the alien on the moon.

Poems are great for taking advantage of the assumptions that people naturally make to achieve a humorous twist at the end.

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