Wish World

by angela on March 31, 2016



Creative Writing

This rhyming children’s poem is the result of simply telling a group of 5 to 7 year olds the title and asking them to describe ‘Wish World’ to me.  It demonstrates how easily inspired young children are to unleash their imaginations!  The poem includes examples of alliteration, and is full of imagery.

I haven’t been to Wish World but I know some kids who’ve been
And told me of a quite delicious sweet and chocolate scene.
Apparently, when they arrived they licked the chocolate lake
That flowed around an island (made of scrumptious jam sponge cake!)

The trees all have a biscuit bark and tasty sweets for fruit,
And anyone can pick them; They just grow another shoot.
In fact, in Wish World, children can do anything they like….
Fly a plane, drive a car, or ride a motorbike.


The fairies there look out for any danger, pain or fears
Then wave their wands and, in a flash, the danger disappears.
The pets all live forever, as kittens, pups or chicks,
(And no-one ever tells you off for making them do tricks!)

In Wish World (as you might have guessed) there is no need for schools;
No lessons, teachers, homework……and especially no rules!
Then, lastly, children can stay up all night, just watching telly,
And no-one ever gets a bath (and yet, they’re never smelly.)

The children who relayed these tales agreed to come back home,
When taking the advice of Wish World’s friendly talking gnome.
For, when you think about it, well, there really is no doubt,
That having constant fun is bound to wear a person out!

If you would like to have a go at writing a poem like this, read my ‘Worlds Outside My Window‘ poem for a list of imaginary places and see if any of them inspire you.  Start by listing anything specific about the place that springs to mind, and then imagine yourself visiting as an alien.  How does it make you feel?  What surprises you about the place?  Is everything describable, or are there some elements that are completely unique and don’t make sense to mere earthlings! Just have fun with it, because it’s as boundless as your imagination.



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