Little Bradley You’re my Son

by angela on June 19, 2012



This sweet, personalised lullaby uses the tune of  Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and is something I used to sing to my son, Bradley, as a baby.  It shows how easy it is to adapt a nursery rhyme and still keep the same rhyme and rhythm pattern.



Little Bradley, you’re my son

You’re my one and only one.

Lots of smiles and giggles too

Little Bradley, I love you.

You are Mummy’s little star.

You’re so precious, yes you are!

It’s easy to change the words and personalise it for a girl too…..

Darling daughter, I love you

And I know you love me too.

Smiles and laughter, lots of fun

Light my world up, like the sun.

Darling daughter, I love you

I’m so glad you  love me too.


Sing the tune to get a feel for the rhythm, then it will be easier to write your own alternative version.  If you’d like the original words of the traditional nursery rhyme / lullaby click here. If you have difficulty fitting specific names in, click here for help understanding rhythm, or for help with editing, but one simple way to make names fit is to use ‘filler words’ of differing syllable length like this…..

My Christina, I love you etc

Little Bradley, I love you etc

One thing to watch out for is that names can often be spoken with stresses in different places eg Bradley James, Christina (The emphasis is on the bold type) so put the names in the place which feels natural with the rhythm, and then work the ‘filler words’ around them like this:

Bradley James how I love you

My  Chris…ti…… na,  I love you

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