The Queen of Hearts (Alternative)

by angela on June 19, 2012



This silly alternative nursery rhyme uses word play and hyperbole for a humorous effect, although it’s somewhat naughty and takes advantage of the opportunity to rhyme with hearts!  You have been warned!

The Queen of Hearts
She made some farts
On a windy day.
The Knave of Hearts
He smelt the farts
Which blew him clean away.


I could never read this version out loud, as I can’t bring myself to say ‘fart’ – it’s a word I was brought up to think of as swearing!  (A poet who disapproves of her own poem: now that’s rebellion at it’s best!)  Nowadays, I understand that it is tame, but I’m still governed by the wagging fingers of my childhood!

I have to admit to preferring the alternative version that is included in the “Ugly” chapter of my book “The Good, the Mad and the Ugly: A Collection of Angela’s Poems” £5.99 as I prefer to imply things rather than be overly crude, but I’ve included this, my moment of mischief, for those of you who think I’m too prudish!

If you’d like to have a go at writing your own ALTERNATIVE NURSERY RHYMES click here for some tips, or click here for lots of MY EXAMPLES OF ALTERNATIVE NURSERY RHYMES.  If you need the lyrics of some TRADITIONAL NURSERY RHYMES to inspire you, click here.

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