A Toddler: Good and Bad

by angela on January 19, 2012



These poems about a toddler’s characteristics involve close observation and attention to detail, described using a whole range of verbs.  The kenning is an excellent poem form for this, and doing two opposite viewpoints is a great exercise in seeing things from different perspectives.  These poems would be great for getting a debate started!



Heart warmer
Word former
Feelings barer
Cuddle sharer
Crowd pleaser
Chance seizer
Skills learner
Praise earner
Affection provider
Buggy rider
Hand holder
Trait moulder
Clumsy walker
Small talker
Game creator
Fun appreciator

Dirt attractor
Glory seeker
Nonsense speaker
Self pleaser
Pet teaser
Peace destroyer
Sibling annoyer
Fuss creator
Life dictator
Mess maker
Parent waker
Toy breaker
Noise maker
Tantrum displayer
Secret betrayer
Energy drainer
Potty trainer

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