
is a figure of speech which uses exaggeration or a wildly extravagant statement for effect.

The easiest thing in the world to do

Is explaining hyperbole’s meaning to you.

Can you spot the hyperbole in the poetic statement above?

Hyperbole is used to make something sound impressive, or to emphasise something such as a feeling, reaction, impression or effort

 For example :

  • It weighed a ton.

  • He ran at the speed of light.

  • It was as big as an elephant.

  • I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse.

Hyperbole, (exaggeration for effect) is something that is used a lot in everyday speech as well as in writing, often to have a humorous effect.

Many poems, whilst not necessarily written specifically to demonstrate hyperbole, will contain a statement of exaggeration, particularly those which contain similes or metaphors, as they are often a means of using exaggeration for effect.  Therefore, any of my poems in which I have identified these exaggerations, will be listed in the poem forms above under FIGURATIVE POEMS, HYPERBOLE.  In the meantime, the following is just a short one I wrote just to demonstrate the point:

 How big was the creature?

Right up to the sky.

      I’ve told you a million times not to lie.

If you would like a few more examples of hyperbole before you start to identify it in my poems, click here for a website with lots of examples.

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