A Poetic Nature Trail

by angela on January 15, 2012


A Poetic Nature Trail


This children’s poem is full of alliteration and word play, with some hyperbole (exaggeration for effect) and similes and metaphors.  The poem is deliberately written to be ‘performed’ by a teacher, as if on a nature trail, with the purpose of encouraging children that they could be undiscovered poets.


Shhh! We must be quiet whilst on our nature trail.
Look and listen carefully to spot a poet’s tale.

  Look!  I saw a poet. There goes another one!
They’re curious little creatures so full of life and fun.

  They vary much in nature; some can be quite scary
With screwed up little faces and fingers that are hairy.

  Others don’t like company they’re rarely seen outside.
They beaver shyly all alone like hermits they reside.

  I like the friendly ones the best; they always have a smile
While scurrying in quiet groups, and talking all the while.

  They notice all the pleasant things; record them all in word,
Highlighting to everyone the things they’ve seen and heard.

   Let’s look for a new species that’s not been spotted yet!
Is that one, in that school of kids or just a teacher’s pet?

  See!  There goes another one; it’s just climbed up a tree!
Quiet! Don’t disturb it now; it’s looking back at me.

  Wow! This is exciting. That one flew right past.
It never even noticed us, it’s going way too fast.

  I don’t know what that one is called the species is brand new.
Although I think you’ll know it well- I think you’ll find, its YOU!

  I’m hoping if I hang around and maybe take a seat
You’ll read and write a poem for my final treat.

  This nature trail’s over, but the poets that I’ve found
All have a unique nature and potential that abounds.


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