A Bite to Eat

by angela on February 6, 2012


spider-and-girl.gif A rhyming, rhythmic poem in the words of a spider, to his poor unsuspecting victim….
I’m sorry that I bit you” said the spider dangling
“I simply couldn’t help myself; you looked mouth-watering!”


I must declare, I really think that is beside the point.
Just because I look nice you can’t make me Sunday’s joint!”


“I know that, and I’ve tried already to apologise.
I would advise that you should just accept it, if you’re wise!”

“Just buzz off now; it feels as though you’re trying to scare me.
I hope you  realise that I’m not frightened easily”
fly.png “I know, but I am puzzled. I can’t help but wonder why.
‘Because, I am a spider, whilst you’re a tiny fly!”

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