An Unfortunate Poo-em

by angela on February 27, 2012

unfortunate poo-em colour3


This shape poem, written with rhyme and rhythm, is a biographical poem, thanks to a very good friend of mine for sharing her private story with me……..Fortunately I am able to keep a secret, so the source of inspiration for this sorry tale shall remain anonymous!  The poem is nothing more than a funny story poem, but BEWARE OF THE TOILET HUMOUR!

         When I did a poo
On my walk up the Rhiw                    
(This is a place/hill in Wales which is pronounced “Rue”)
        I have to confess that
                    I ruined the view.

                           I was not content
                     To do one number two
                                      For sadly I found
                                   That I needed a few.

                                          I have to admit that
                                                         It really is true
                                                 That I found the flow
                                                         Difficult to subdue!

                                                  Each time that I’d finished
                                                                            My urgency grew
                                                                           So back to the bushes
                                                                                              I hurriedly flew.

unfortunate poo-em colour3       The upside to this is
That there was no queue.
    The downside: The lack of
                        Soft toilet tissue!

                        So next time you go
                      For a walk up the Rhiw
                                Be careful to notice
                    Where you place your shoe

                            For some landmarks have
                                             Been created anew
                                           When diarrhoea struck
                                             Where there was no loo!

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