Beware the Knicker Nickers

by angela on February 27, 2012





This alien story poem is nothing more than a bit of silly fun, inspired by the word play in the title.  It includes some metaphors, alliteration and word play.  It did, however, become something of a challenge keeping up the rhyme pattern of aaaa. (See BEGINNERS’ PAGES for explanation of rhyme patterns.)



Aliens stole my sister’s bra
She’s still inside it; how bizarre!
Now Dad’s chasing in the car
But she’s so heavy, they’ll not get far.

Look out! They’re back for Granddad’s socks.
They’ll soon break through the dodgy locks.
They’ve stuffed my Granddad in a box,
Just to steal some smelly socks?!

Now my Granny’s knickers…. “NO!
Have mercy on us, please. JUST GO!”
I can’t believe they’d stoop so low
They really are a fearless foe.

Oh Wow! I can’t believe my eyes.
This really is a big surprise;
My Mum is hiding in disguise.
Look out you aliens – in she flies!

The aliens see that frightening stare
That angry Mothers’ faces wear.
Cross my Mum? They’d never dare,
Now they’re racing down the stair.

They’re out the door and down the street,
A truly hasty, sad defeat,
Chasing fast on all six feet;
Avoiding being Mum’s mincemeat!

To the spaceship, in they shoot
Helped along by my Mum’s boot,
Granddad shouting “What a hoot!”
As he jumps out with all their loot.

The spaceship rises in the sky
Leaving us to wonder why
They ever even thought to try
To nick the things that make us shy!

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