Evacuee’s Postcard Home

by angela on January 27, 2012




This creative shape poem hints at the stiff upper lip attitude, as well as the boy’s eagerness to reassure Mum.  It includes lots of emotion, plus creative word play in the address.  The evacuee’s postcard home is a great subject for a shape poem, as it gives an opportunity to use language cleverly to hint at lots of emotion and specific behaviour.  From the comments about the journey etc we can ascertain that the city boy has never experienced country air, or green fields, and has had to leave a pet of some kind behind too.  Why not try writing your own evacuee poems?  Don’t forget that you don’t have to rhyme: that’s my particular style, but all poets have their own style and preference.  Besides, there are plenty of other techniques to work on using some emotional and figurative language, and maybe some word play of your own.

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