God’s Tapestry

by angela on March 10, 2013

God's Tapestry whole picture

The Tapestry of Life was started
At the dawn of time.
Within the pattern, even then,
God saved a place for mine.

 With every stitch the picture grew
While crafted from above,
And as God wove each new thread in
He blended it with love. 

I look upon His masterpiece;
In places it seems odd.
Sometimes I deign to question Him…
“Why plan it that way, God?”

 But slowly then I realise;
The view from where I stand
Reverses that of God’s sight
And then I understand.

 God looks down on His work of art.Tapestry reversed
His vision is complete,
But I look from the underneath
Where things are not so neat!

 I see the knots and tangled threads
Where life seems one big mess.
A tapestry, viewed from the back
Does not tend to impress!

 But if I trust my Father God,
He has a place for me
To blend into the final image
Of his tapestry.

 I cannot see the end result
The master craftsman sees
I cannot claim to have
His visionary expertise.

But thankfully, my Father God
Could see it from the start,
And put me in the centre
Of his finished work of heart.

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