My Sister is a Bookworm

by angela on January 29, 2012

Bookworm.png This poem begins very sensibly, but the rhyming led me in a totally different direction… I followed and the story developed from there!  Check out the amount of alliteration in verse 3!

My sister is a bookworm,
She reads her book all day.
She stays in her pyjamas
And won’t come out to play.

When I saw her yesterday
I noticed something weird;
I saw her turning inside out
And growing a green beard.

Then feathers started sprouting
From head to all six feet,
And slime was slowly oozing
From underneath her seat.

I found this quite upsetting
(It’s strange, you must confess)
So when her eyes flew from her head
I screamed out in distress.

Immediately she jumped up
And everything changed back.
It seemed she must be used to it
And so she’s got the knack.

So my fears are confirmed now;
My sister is an alien.
Without a doubt, she is not from
My planet ….. Planet Salien!


To my knowledge, there is no such planet as Planet Salien, but made up words can’t possibly be wrong!  That’s why I love writing alien poems, because I can follow where the rhyming words take me and the story can surprise even me.  I can be as descriptive as I choose and no-one can tell me that I have used the wrong adjective or stated the wrong facts, because it’s all made up.  Alien poems are therefore a great way to practice rhyme and rhythm as the lack of need for accuracy of facts makes the poem much less restrictive on your choice of words!

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