Personification examples in Waiting for the Evening Bus

by angela on February 13, 2012




This shows all of the examples of personification that this poem uses in bold italics so is great for teaching personification.  It is intended to be read after the poem itself (see Waiting or the Evening Bus), so that you can see how many examples of personification you had spotted without the help!



Standing by the sentry
In the gaze of the moonlight,
Surrendered to the company
Of shadows in the night,
I’m suddenly aware
Of his army all around;
Front-line soldiers lined up to
Defend their battle ground.

They tower up above me,
Looking down with intense glare,
Devoid of all emotion with
A vacant, face-less stare.
All patience now has left me
I find myself alone,
With just the wind for company
And it’s whispering moan.

The winter starts to bully
My fingers and my toes;
Indignity is running
Like water from my nose.
Impatiently, my watch
Emphasises my long wait,
With cruel intent announcing
“The bus is running late!”

I beckon to my date
As she arrives over the hill.
Her driver slows her to a halt
Where I am standing still.
Relief is overwhelming!
Briefly, I’m without a care
Until the driver stuns me
When he tells me the fare!


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