Summer Fruits of Love

by angela on March 10, 2013


summer fruits of love whole picture


The days when life is flavoured
With the summer fruits of love,
Should gratefully be savoured
With the grace of God above.

 The recipe’s protected but
Its secret is to share
With anyone who has
A real capacity to care.

 Its delights are overflowing
Bringing blessings that abound.
The fruits keep multiplying
As they’re freely shared around.

For love is not to be contained;
The flavour’s too delicious.
That’s why God’s kitchen uses it
In all His favourite dishes.

 Love seasons everything it meets
With extra strong delights,
The day’s simplicities are
Lifted up to special heights.

 Just add a dose to all you do
To taste its unique blend.
Notice how it makes the moods
Of all around ascend.

 Just like the strongest flavourings
It leaves an aftertaste,
So adding it to your life’s dish
Will never go to waste.

 If you still need convincing, please,
Don’t just rely on me:
The best chefs will all tell you that
You have to taste and see!

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