The Foul Creature

by angela on February 9, 2012




This immature story poem began as a serious thoughtful mystery, but the rhyming led me elsewhere!



One day in the school holidays
The strangest creature met my gaze.
It had an air of mystery
As it stared right back at me.

And as I looked into its eyes,
I slowly came to realise
The mystery was all about
The thoughts which he could not let out.

His face was all screwed up with pain;
He looked at me with real disdain.
Somehow, it seemed, I’d caused offence.
The atmosphere was getting tense.

Then, all at once, came the release;
He shamelessly destroyed the peace
In a moment of disgrace
Wherein relief came o’er his face.

The atmosphere no more was tense;
Instead, the pungent air was dense.
I had no choice but to retreat.
The smell could knock me off my feet.

It seemed in my naïve childhood
Its face I had misunderstood!
The mystery was not about
The thoughts which it could not let out.

But more about the wind which rolledfoul-creature-after.png
Inside him, which he’d tried to hold.
And as he’d slowed the winds escape
He’d squeezed his body out of shape.

So, of this creature, that’s now all
I know, because of nature’s call.
Who would have thought this creature’s shame
Would be its only claim to fame?!


I tend to find ideas of story-lines difficult to think of, but the rhyming often leads me into something amusing that I hadn’t already thought of.  That’s perfect for an alien, or monster poem, as there is no right or wrong for anything that you describe; the sillier the better!  Try writing a story poem the same way and you might surprise yourself.

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